Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Meet Grace Jarvis

My daughter Samantha and I moved from the outskirts of Austin from a small town named Pflugerville. After living there for nine years and facing one of the hardest decisions of my life, I decided to separate from my husband.              

This is where my journey begins…

Little did I know God would lead me to the small town of Magnolia, meet the Roses, and guide me to Faith Bible.

Here at Faith Bible, I found God! I also found something I thought I never would: faith, love, and forgiveness. These were given to me through Christ and the friendships I made through fellow believers, now my dearest friends.

Nine months ago, Christ saved me, but only a month ago, I was baptized. Getting baptized was honestly one of the best days of my life. Yet the question that turned my life around was, “Do you have a relationship with Christ?” With that question came other questions that I desperately wanted to know about Christ.

So, when I heard about Sunday morning Life Groups, I thought to myself, "I am going to learn about the Bible and the story of Christ, but where would I fit in?" I'm fifty, going through a divorce, and soon to be an empty nester. Although there are many groups available, one caught my attention.

I felt as though God knew it was my right fit. The moment I stepped into The Next Chapter Life Group, my life was changed. With the help from this community, I started my relationship with Christ, and the love I immediately felt for Him grew more than I expected.

I'm here eight months later, attending class every Sunday. Although I have so many questions, this group makes me feel like there isn’t anything I can ask that can't be answered.

My faith has grown so much, and my relationship is a forever one. It hasn’t been easy, but with God’s grace and mercy, I continue to grow and learn more. For me, it's not a Sunday thing; it’s an everyday relationship. I need Christ in my life every day.

Jeremiah 29:13 says, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" – how can you not? As a new believer in Christ, my time is to learn more. And when the time is right, God will open the door for me to do what I was meant to do in His name…I CAN'T WAIT!

I give Praise – HE IS MINE AND I AM HIS.
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