Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Responding to Opportunities to be Generous


READ: John 6:1-13

We've developed a mindset of generosity, learned to steward what we have, and have prepared ourselves to be generous. What do we do now?

Find opportunities to bless others, of course!

Unfortunately, we don't live in the Garden of Eden. We live in a fallen world that is desperately in need of Jesus. This fallenness provides us with excellent opportunities to reflect on Jesus by blessing others with what God has given us. The potential to bless those in need exists all around us. It is so easy to be preoccupied with everything in your life that you can easily miss the needs of others. Once you train yourself to be aware of your surroundings with an eye for generosity, you might be surprised how many opportunities there are to actively bless people.

The following verse helps us put this into practice: "But whoever has worldly goods and sees his brother or sister in need, and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God remain in him? Little children, let's not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth" (1 John 3:17-18).

Plainly stated, when we find an opportunity to meet another person's need, we need to sincerely consider what actions we might be able to take to help and not just give it lip service.

Not too long ago, I walked to a meeting in downtown Houston. On my way to a customer's office, I noticed an older gentleman silently standing at the street corner, looking poorly maintained and possibly homeless. Walking past him, I kindly acknowledged him by smiling and nodding. He immediately spoke up and asked if I was a Christian. This stopped me in my tracks. I answered that I was. The gentleman responded, "I could tell. You are the only person who has ever acknowledged me lovingly. Most people ignore me and try to act like I don't exist." He told me a little about his life story and asked if I would pray for him. We then prayed together on a street corner in downtown Houston. Before we parted, I told him I'd like to bless him. Knowing I had money in my wallet to give when needed, I offered the gentleman all the money I had on me. He cried and could not thank me enough for what he had been given.

I don't know what the gentleman did after I left that day. All I know is that I responded when I felt led by the Holy Spirit. Even when you don't have anything to give, smiles are always available for you to hand out freely. Sometimes, it takes a rightly placed smile or hug to turn someone's day around!

You never know how God plans to utilize you to fulfill His will for His kingdom. The more involved you are with the community around you, the greater the chances are that God will present you with opportunities to bless others.

Personal Reflection

What is your typical response when presented with opportunities to be generous? How are you utilizing what God has equipped you with to bless others? Where can you improve? What opportunities are there around you to participate in your community? Are you on the constant lookout for opportunities to be generous? At the grocery store, restaurant, kid's school, social events, etc…. Opportunities are all around you.
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Fatima Aliyu - September 5th, 2024 at 1:02pm

I want you to pray for me and my family., my children ch

Anonymous - September 7th, 2024 at 11:02pm

Prayed for you today!