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READ: Luke 14:26

Sara and I recently welcomed our fourth child. I cannot think of a better picture of dedication than a mother with a newborn. Her commitment and self-sacrifice to the survival and growth of our child is awe-inspiring. She is wholly committed. With this being our fourth, we better understood the dedication needed to survive during the newborn phase. However, we didn’t just want to survive but rather thrive--in our marriage, our new baby, our three older children, and our personal relationships with Christ.

Some people experience God early, and God makes sense to them from the start. A part of me sometimes wishes that had been my path. On the other hand, some people like myself need a big “I get it!” moment in their relationship with Jesus that opens their eyes to His love for us. My big moment was having kids. I was now experiencing the tension between what my kids wanted and what I knew was best for them. I had to call on my wisdom to know which path would cause pain and which path would lead to safety. So this is what God means! Then came the classic kid questions of “why” and “what if” repeatedly. This distraction of endless questioning, while a normal part of childhood development, ultimately can break down my dedication to lovingly teach and grow them.

Satan often uses distractions to challenge our dedication to the Lord, and they frequently come in the form of other good things. Satan can use even the business of furthering God’s kingdom to exhaust us to the point of not feeling like reading the Bible, forgetting to pray, being too tired to lovingly approach hard relationships, or giving and serving in the church with a reluctant heart.

In Luke, you can feel the tension as Jesus prepares and warns His disciples of things to come and their desire to ask “why, why, why” and “what if…then…”. Jesus puts it plainly. You cannot be dedicated to Jesus and still be distracted, even by good things. Most scholars agree that the word “hate” in this passage is meant as a comparison to their love for Jesus. As we pursue Jesus, we must flee from distractions that would pull us away from our dedication to Christ.
For context, in the verses that follow Luke 14:26, Jesus gives examples of starting endeavors without examining the costs. We must examine our passion and dedication if we are to follow Jesus. We should be willing to cast off all things in pursuit of Jesus and consider that cost. Don’t let anything distract you from your commitment and dedication to the Good News of Jesus Christ! We are all dedicated to something. We must prioritize our relationship and time with Jesus above all things. Jesus asks me to pursue Him more than my commitment to my children, even my life! Thankfully, Jesus does not ask us to do anything He is unwilling to do. He is our perfect example of “All In,” passionately committed to dying on the cross for you and me. Thank you, Lord, for your willingness to save me and help us not ask why but answer by dedicating our lives to You.

Personal Reflection

What are some things you are dedicated to that are pulling you away from your time with Jesus? What “good things” have distracted you from Jesus? Do you feel “All In” for Jesus?
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