Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Meet Kayla Jurek

My family and I have been here at Faith since I was 4 years old. This church has helped to foster my relationship with the Lord since day one. I always loved serving and helping people in and out of the church.

In junior high and high school, I served in every way I could, but because I thought that Jesus’ love was conditional. I thought the more I served, the more He would love me and ignore the other sin inside of my life.

Jesus was so faithful in that time of confusion. He had the Faith Student’s intern, Danie, take a special interest in me. She discipled me weekly, taking me to Outback for steaks at least once a week. I did not understand why she thought I was worth discipling and at one point I told her that she should stop discipling me because I wasn’t worth her time.

This led to a discussion that revealed I didn’t believe I should be loved by anyone because there was sin in my life that no one knew about. I felt dirty and undeserving of my friends' love, my family’s love and especially Jesus’ love.

In response to this revelation, Danie pulled out a one dollar bill. She told me to picture the dollar bill dirty, crumbled up and on the floor. With that picture in mind, she asked me how much the dollar was worth. I told her that even though it was dirty that it was still worth a dollar. She then went on to explain how my worth in Jesus could not change just like the worth of a dollar bill could not change. No matter how dirty and messed up I became, Jesus loved me because He already forgave all of my sins.

At 16, I finally understood Jesus’ love in a tangible way. I began to believe that my sin no longer defined me and that Jesus would never give up on me. Ever since that day, I have wanted to share the good news of Jesus’ love to everyone I know.

It is such a joy now to be able to be work at the same church and get to share the same analogy of Jesus’ love with people around me. Everything has come full circle and it is such a sweet gift.  
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