Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Meet Lydia Wohlgemuth

Meet Lydia Wohlgemuth

When I moved back home after college, I expected my Texas world to be just the way I had left it. I was looking forward to a bit of normalcy as I transitioned from my predicable school routine to the adult world.

But on top of many unknowns, I returned to a world that I didn’t recognize. My home life was completely turned upside down. Betrayal. Anger. Divorce. Grief. Counseling. 

My life no longer fit into perfect boxes, all in their proper place. Nothing was as it should be. I had lost control and I couldn’t clean up the mess up on my own. 

But at such a time as this, God blessed me with a job at Faith Bible. While my family life felt unstable, I felt at home serving in the church I had grown up in. 

I had grown up at Faith, yet, in this unfamiliar season of suffering, I experienced the Church in a brand new way. In His grace, God gave me the humility to show my co-workers and my new adult community friends the un-organized rooms of my heart, what I had worked so hard to display in the best possible light.

As a result, my church family didn’t back away; they drew near. They didn’t help me sort everything out, they listened. They were not shocked; they related. My upside-down world allowed me to see God’s people from a fresh perspective. Nothing was as it should be, yet I was exactly where I needed to be.  

In this fallen world, sin and suffering show no partiality. Sin and suffering don’t care that I went to the right school, grew up in the right environment, or surrounded myself with the right people. Disorder shouldn’t surprise me, yet, in Christ, it doesn’t define me. God’s sovereign mercy always triumphs. 

God welded the dysfunction in my life into a tool of a mercy, using it to grow my faith in His management and deepen my intimacy with His community. 

I don’t know all the answers. I can’t control people or my circumstances. But I can trust that God is a Good Father who works all things for my good and His glory.  
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