Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Year End Report 

Reflecting on the faithfulness of God

From Our Elder Chairman

As we reflect on the past fiscal year at Faith Bible, gratitude fills our hearts for all that God has done. His faithfulness has been evident in every step we've taken, every challenge we've faced, and every victory we've celebrated. We're immensely thankful for the unwavering support and faithful giving of our church community, which has enabled us to continue to build generations of Jesus followers who take grace to our world.

Looking ahead, we're filled with anticipation for what God will do next. We trust in His plans and provision, knowing that He will continue to guide us as we seek to serve Him faithfully. As we embark on this new season, let us continue to develop disciples who are passionate about making other disciples, let us depend on Him to use what we have for the benefit of others and let us connect the relevance of the Gospel to the felt needs of our city.  Together, let's continue to walk in faith, unity, and love, confident that the best is yet to come.

John Romain
Elder Chairman



Batts Morrison Wales & Lee conducted an audit of our church’s financial statements for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.

Year at a Glance


First Time Visitors

We had a whopping 1,040 adults attend our Worship Service for the very first time. Plus, 56 kids joined our kid's programming for their first time too!


40 people celebrated baptisms with us! In January 2024, we held our very first baptism service, a very exciting day for our church family. 




We had 900+ people serve at Faith Bible in ministries like kids, students, connections, and Recovery and Support. Thank you for using your gifts to build up our church body! 

Recovery & Support Participants

192 adults experienced healing in our Recovery and Support ministries like re:generation, re|engage, DivorceCare, and Trauma REBOOT. 



First Time Mission Trip Attendees

35 people took God's grace to the world on their very first Faith Bible mission trip! Learn more about missions below.

New Small Groups

23 new groups were formed...that means many more people found community at Faith Bible!



Please Note: The financial information and graphic illustrations as presented below relates to General Fund giving and expenses and does not include restricted fund activity. This information has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the Church’s financial statements. The audit is posted at the beginning of this report. Such information is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not covered by the auditor’s opinion on the Church’s financial statements.

From Our Treasurer

I’ve been a member of Faith Bible Church since 1991, and as part of the Finance Committee for many years I’ve had a front-row seat to the growth of the church and numerous, related changes. The church is in its 5th decade and the journey of Faith Bible has included many challenges over the years. There are several things I’ve observed, however, that have remained constant:

  • Faith – a degree of uncertainty is always present when planning and adopting a budget.  After careful consideration and deliberation, a faith-based approach has consistently been taken that God will provide the necessary resources, and He has done so abundantly. 
  • Stewardship – conscientious management by the Staff has resulted in expenditures being under budget year after year.
  • Generous giving – God has faithfully provided for the needs of Faith Bible through the generosity of its members.

The fiscal year recently ended in March has been no exception. Giving was $12,000 shy of our target of $6 million, and operating expenses were $439,000 under budget.
In 2022, $1.2 million was borrowed on a revolving line of credit (LOC) to complete the renovation of Phase I following freeze damage sustained in the Winter of 2021. Surplus general funds were used last fiscal year to reduce the LOC to a zero balance, leaving the bank loan to build the Worship Center as the remaining debt owed by Faith Bible.

Construction on the Worship Center began in 2014, costing $12.1 million. A building campaign raised $5.6 million, and $6.575 million was borrowed to complete the project. The loan began to amortize in 2016 and as of June 2024, the loan balance is approximately $885,000 as depicted in the following graph, and at the end of the current fiscal year the balance is projected to be $630,000.
Debt retirement is a goal we would like to achieve as soon as possible, and as you can see above, we are getting closer. Once the debt is eliminated funds can be redirected to provide additional resources to Missions, the strategic plans of our various ministries, and to bolster our contingency fund.
For fiscal year 2024-25 a budget of $6 million has once again been adopted, and our fiduciary responsibility is already being tested. The new budget includes an expected increase in property insurance premiums for the policy that renews each June. The new rates, however, are 54% higher than the budgeted premiums. This is an example of unforeseen events that have budgetary impact and is another reason we desire to be debt-free. Not having to make loan payments preserves surplus general funds for the unexpected surprises that often occur.

We are grateful for the generosity of so many over the years that have contributed to the construction of the entire campus, which in the aggregate cost over $26 million, and who continually provide the resources to fund the operation of the church

Michael Kowalski

“I love witnessing the kids' faith journey - they ask deep questions, seek to know God’s Word, and worship like no one’s watching.”

- Lauren Bevilacqua, Faith Kids Volunteer

"My favorite part about Faith Students is the loving environment and welcoming people."

- Mariah Walker, Faith Student

"Faith Kids make me laugh and I love connecting with them similar
to how a teacher would."

- Chris Fulton, Faith Kids Volunteer

"I enjoy being part of a community that loves and serves God."

- Megan Rubio, Faith Student

"I love how K-1st Graders say the most unexpected things like,
Leader:  'Okay, kids!  Tell me an example of how God is great.'
     Kid 1:  'He created the sun and moon!'
    Kid 2:  'He died for us!'
   Kid 3:  'I like video games!' :)"

- Jim Cox, Faith Kids Volunteer

Financial Breakdown

Actual vs. Budgeted

Please Note: The Actual vs. Budget statement depicts the fiscal year activity in Faith Bible's General Fund. The amounts reported and how they are categorized reflect how income and expenditures are budgeted, accounted for and managed versus how they are required to be reported for financial statement reporting purposes. The information below is presented using different categories than those used in the audited financial statements. The audit is posted at the beginning of this report.

"My favorite part about re:generation is people being authentic and honest." 

- Gay Lancaster, re:gen Leader

"At re|engage, I get a front row seat to see God work in marriages and how it changes the trajectory of not just the couple, but their whole family.

- Charles Chevaillier, re|engage Leader

"Re|engage is a place for many to use their gifts to serve others with the love of Christ and help people understand God’s design for marriage."

- Terri Chevaillier, re|engage Leader


From Our Missions Pastor

Last August we kicked off the fall semester by refocusing the church on the mission that we believe Jesus has called us to. This is a statement that you hear a lot around Faith Bible Church and it drives the vision of everything we do.

We build generations of Jesus followers who take grace to our world.  

I love this statement because it summarizes what Jesus calls us to do. Since August we have seen God work through so many different avenues here at our church. We have seen people saved, we have lots of new people serving, lots of new people engaged in community, a tremendous growth in new members, growth in our worship services, and so much more. Our church has rallied together around the mission that God has called us to and we’re seeing the fruits of what happens when the people of God come together. Thank you for all that you have done and the part you have played the past year.  
I believe this next season is going to be even greater and believe we will experience growth like we have never seen before. To accomplish this, we need everyone joining together and using their unique gifts and abilities. What will your next step be in helping us accomplish the mission? Whether that be teaching in kids ministry, taking a mission trip, leading a small group, or giving financially, we are asking everyone to jump into this mission in a way they never have before.
It’s going to be a great year, and I’m excited to see what God does through Faith Bible Church in the coming year.

"On my Mission Trip, I loved praying for and encouraging my brothers from Faith Bible as they communicated the love and grace found only in Jesus Christ."

- George Rienstra, DR Mission Trip Team

"My favorite part about the Men's DR Mission Trip was that as brothers in Christ participating in true fellowship, we learned how important it is to edify one another at all times."

- Mark Rubio, DR Mission Trip Team

Debt Service

Budget Goals


Your generosity fuels our mission to build generations of Jesus followers! The easiest way to support our ministries is through Pushpay. By giving online through Pushpay, you can quickly give a one-time donation or a recurring gift. You can also choose to direct your contribution to a specific area or ministry such as the building fund or missions. Join us in sharing God's grace with the world around us!

Finance Committee

Lance Terry

Pastor of Operations

Patty Hardaway

Director of Finance, CPA

Adrienne Yust

Assistant Director of Finance, CPA

Michael Kowalski

Retired CEO, CFO, Controller and
CPA, founding member of
Finance Committee, church

Curt Beck

CPA, Investment Advisory Services, former church treasurer

Marilyn Butler

MBA and Ed.D in Higher Education Leadership, Crown Budget Coach and National Trainer, Faith Bible Financial Stewardship Ministry Chair, Faith Bible Benevolence Committee Liaison

Jason Pish

Accounting and financial professional with nearly 25 years of experience in financial oversight and treasury management.

Tom Gardner

MBA, registered investment banking representative, former registered equity analyst

Jeff Persyn

Commercial real estate and construction professional (CPM, RPA, RE License), Elder Liaison, Former Faith Bible Building Committee Chairman

Keith Lipe

Texas CPA with nearly 20 years of accounting and finance experience that ranges from external audit to commodities price risk management

John Morris

Commercial banker and corporate finance specialist with over 30 years of experience with large publicly traded firms.