Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Meet JD Shipley

Meet JD Shipley

I’ve been a believer all my life.  I grew up Catholic, confessing my sins regularly, but I never felt that a personal relationship with God was possible. I learned to find validation in what I could achieve and who I could convince others I was.  This ingrained a pattern that has lasted for decades.  
In school it was good grades, in my early adulthood it was women, at work it was climbing the corporate ladder. I looked everywhere except to the Lord for what only He could provide.  I still believed, but I told myself “When my faith gets stronger, I’ll go back to God”, but He faithfully pursued me as a shepherd pursues his lost sheep.  
His grace and love were emulated for me through people and situations He placed in my life. He revealed hard truth about the path I was walking.  Just three short years ago, I crossed paths with a friend from college who showed me a picture of God I had not previously known; present, active, loving, grace-filled, redeeming.  His family attended Faith Bible and soon, so did we.  
I began to pursue a relationship with the Lord and, little by little, He began to show me who I really was. Much of the man I put forth to others was a lie.  My image of a family man with the perfect marriage was, in reality, that of someone guilty of marital infidelities, persistent bitterness and anger towards my wife and children. While my wife and I were participating in the Re|engage marriage ministry, The Holy Spirit equipped me with the humility to finally reveal the truth. Amazingly, I was met with grace; by the church, by my family. And my wife and I found healing and reconciliation in the truth. Through that community, the Lord helped me weather the lowest point of my life.  
I am learning to find my validation in Him.  He has taught me that I’m here to serve Him in whatever His will commands, for His glory and honor.  Today, it’s telling my story in hopes that it moves another man to the truth.  It’s being the man that the Lord intends, not only providing for my family physically but, more importantly, spiritually.  It’s leading my family in faith to Him, leading by example in turning to Him for my all needs.
John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.”

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