Sundays | 9am & 10:30am | The Woodlands, TX

Day 15: Genesis 2:10-14



I love a good map. In these verses, we get a description of the rivers and lands surrounding and flowing through the Garden. Unfortunately, we do not know anything about two of the four rivers mentioned, and the lands of Havilah and Cush no longer exist. So, even if we had a map, it would be hard to determine the scope of this area. But the people of that time would have understood what God was describing.

Sometimes we feel like we are lost without directions, a map for how to live our lives. It can be difficult to step out in faith without knowing where we will end up. This is because we tend to rely on ourselves instead of God. However, when we trust God to direct our steps, we can discover precious things, like the gold, bdellium, and onyx mentioned in verse 12. God knows exactly the area He described in these verses, and it was all good.
Because everything in Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for our teaching (2 Tim 3:16), there is a purpose for this description in Genesis. Perhaps that purpose is to help us envision the perfect world that will one day be restored—to make us long for the kingdom yet to come.

God knows exactly the good things He has in store for you and me, and He invites us to trust that He will reveal them in His perfect timing. No matter how good you think your sense of direction is, you cannot discover all that God has for you in your own power. We need only to be willing to put down the map and follow Him.

Personal Reflection

  • Do you find yourself feeling lost in today’s world?
  • Does it seem like everything is falling apart?
  • Even though it can be difficult, can you learn to lean on God and not yourself to find your way? Maybe you can help someone else see the goodness of trusting in God to show you the map.


Russell - October 11th, 2024 at 6:41am

I like a good map too, and God’s word and plan are just that. Unfortunately I trust my own sense of direction too often and find myself off course. Thanks Patty, for the great reminder to lean on God and His plan.

Shari L - October 11th, 2024 at 8:51am

While going through a very difficult time and feeling lost. The Holy Spirit told me His ways are not mine, they are higher. Not having ever read the bible a friend told me that was a scripture. Isaiah 55, ’Invitation to the Thirsty’ was the map I was needing! It changed my life! Thank you Lord, you always know exactly where we are going and what we need! Psalms139

Trenda - October 12th, 2024 at 7:05am

Recently I felt God telling me to reach into a hard place that I didn’t know how to handle. I felt like I was jumping into the lions den! But God showed up in sooo many ways! My faith was strengthened by following Gods map instead of mine. And He reminded me He uses these experiences not just for my good, but He desires to work through me in other people’s stories. He prepares the way, goes with me, leads, and continues His work even after I move on.